Thi is the edited version of an extremely long sms that was sent to a friend. I was really struggling so hard but I am glad I did what I did – look to Him instead of anything else. Well this hair cut (I am cutting my hair) signifies a reminder that I should cut off any form of bitterness, hurt, anger that I may possibly go through this week because of something that has happened. I just thank God that I am close enough to Papa to not be stumbled or even leave where I am:

Amazing.. I was at the pedi place and I didn’t really dwell on it..(possibly hasn’t sunken in too) but I was just reading two of David’s psalms – that helped me so much… I mean from whence comes our help? HE is our very help in our time of need and He is our comfort when we feel any type of emotion.. Regarding whatever unnecessary words tat have been spoken well, I suppose it’s jus a reminder for us to also be careful with our words because ultimately we are accountable to Him for EVERY intentional and unintentional spoken word 🙂 If anything let’s continue to remind each other about speaking loosely. We are to speak life into the lives of ppl ard us! 🙂 Thanks4everythin2day. Seriously dun feel guilty or regret tellin me cos I rather hear it frm u and more imptly I learnt something so practical 🙂 I mean we always say look up to Him for anythin but only when e storm comes, u’re tested and WHEN u actually look to Him,He comes thru and He comforts.Funny how a few days ago was makin my bro memorise psa 23 bout how God is our comfort 🙂 There is always something learnt 🙂 Wat’s even more interesting is when Pst Sushil said tt God’d give me friends to aid me..maybe part of e reason y tt was being said to me is He knew something was goin to happen.For the past few days esp I was questionin myself whether I was being a friend to this person and whether I did anythin wat u said gave me some sorta release :p talk more tom

Note on the 4th Aug: I realise this entry is a tad bit dramatic but you cannot fanthom (did I spell this right) how crappy I was feeling. Anyway God is still doing a deep work in me regarding this and I thank Him 😉